Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Some Levity

I'm not going ot bother laying down a bunch of ground work on the WGA strike. No, I think it's best that we just head straight into it. I'll let you sort it out with me.
I read two fantastic comments on a website called (scroll down to the bottom of the page). Another site is giving a helpful run-down of how this strike will affect us viewers. Something that is still blowing my mind is the "alternative" viewing that we may see hit the tv screen, once the strike gets under foot. Episodes of Stouffer's Lean Cuisine tv? You have got to be kidding me. I'll try and wait to pass judgment, but... too late.

So, where does that leave us? It seems that either tv is going to import foreign programming (that is bound to be a huge success), we're going to have our favorite movies/tv shows written by scabs (which puts in danger the quality of our programming), we'll get re-runs (which will only potentially draw small audiences), or we'll see some new breakthrough in quality programming (i.e. commercials becoming the most entertaining things on tv--said in a non-sarcastic way, but without any hint of believing it will work).

We'll see what happens.

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