Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Harry Potter And The Muggle Struggle

Here is something new I've never done before: make some use of my schooling. I jest, I jest; school probably has its uses. Still, I have written tons of essays over the years that, with the exception of the persuasive essay I wrote my junior year of high school about going commando, just sit in a folder and do nothing. So, I have decided to post an essay that I wrote while attending UVSC (now UVU) in Orem, UT. It is the first essay I ever did that was longer than 3-4 pages--a whopping 12. The assignment was to write a persuasive essay and the topic I chose was whether or not Harry Potter should be banned from public schools and libraries (this was not an assigned topic--I had to convince the teacher to let me write on it). I will be breaking it up into segments, because that mother is long. For this first one I will just do the introductory paragraph (cause I already have this introductory paragraph that I have subjected you to and frankly I wouldn't feel right taking you any further... we have to work our way up to that), but following segments wil come in slightly you say...bulk?

Enjoy or ignore, depending on your choice of lifestyle.

"Harry Potter and the Muggle Struggle" - by me of course

Not too often is a controversial figure a child. Even less often is it a fictional child. Yet, that is the case with Harry Potter. Author J.K. Rowling created the character for her best-selling book series of the same title. The seven part series tells the story of a boy who learns he is a wizard, leaves his obnoxious aunt and uncle (with whom he has been living since he was a baby), and goes to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to be trained. During the series, he learns the truth of his parents' death, of their killer, and of his own future in the coming battle of good against evil. Due to the nature of its context, many conservative Christian parents strongly oppose the series claiming that it will have a detrimental effect on their children. Many have taken steps to prevent their children from reading the books. Although many parents feel that Harry Potter is a poor role-model and promotes witchcraft, the Harry Potter series should not be banned from public school and libraries because the books provide moral lessons for our children.

Next: Part Two


Whitney said...

Those parents have their panties in a knot. Get over it. Harry Potter has FABULOUS life lessons. I personally love that Harry is so human (or, so wizard...). So many times the hero is someone that can do no wrong. But Harry's got an attitude occasionally, he breaks the rules, he's a teenage boy. But he's got a good heart and ultimately does the right things in the end. What a great lesson for every kid to learn! And who doesn't love a little magic?? I think even Heavenly Father is pretty magical :) I'm sure Harry Potter is gospel approved.

Stefu said...

I'm excited to learn more about the Muggle Struggle. This is looking like a great series of posts. Keep it coming!